Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Good News

I get the Washington Post everyday, and most days I do actually read a few articles that interest me. Lately, I have just skimmed over the headlines because the news seems to be the same every time--there is disaster in New Orleans, Bush's ratings drop to a new low, controversy over Roberts, people dying in Iraq, innocent children being harmed in some sick way, and the list goes on....And with all that it's easy to get discouraged. I'm convinced the world is longing to hear some good news. We are finally beginning to realize that worldly pursuits are vain dead-end streets paved with fool's gold. We have trod those streets for far too long and are thirsty for something real. We need Jesus. I need Jesus. And I need Him desperately. Because He is the Good News. He is the life in a dying world. He is the One who offers beauty for ashes and strength for fear, gladness for mourning and peace for despair! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He is the greatest of tastes, the richest of fares! He is my treasure. And in HIM, I find life, breath, and ALL that I am. So, be encouraged today that there is Good News....and be bold in proclaiming that. We've got to get the word out.

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