Monday, September 05, 2011

The Gorgeous Message of the Gospel

"Create in me a clean heart, O God."
~Psalm 51:10

Here is the gorgeous message of the Gospel: even though I have bowed again and again to an endless catalog of God replacements, even though I've loved myself more than I have loved God, even though I have rebelled against God's kingdom and sought to set up my own kingdom, God comes to me in grace and wraps arms of love around me and begins a process that will result in the total transformation of the core of my personhood, the heart. He won't rest and He won't relent until He's created in you and me a completely pure heart! So we wake up every morning knowing that by His grace they will be purer than they are today. So with thankfulness for the transformation that's already taken place and with courage of hope of the transformation that is to come, we wake up, look to heaven, and say with David, "Create in me a clean heart."

-Paul David Tripp-

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